Steen Westh Nielsen with Jeremy Verity

Steen Westh Nielsen

Hvornår startede du med at skrive?

Efteråret 2019.

Hvorfor skriver du?

Efter et travlt ”businessliv”, som CEO i mere end 35 år, fik jeg lyst til at videregive erfaring og refleksion til

kommende ledere.

Hvilken bog arbejder du på lige nu?

Er endnu ikke startet på bog nr. 2. 

Hvor mange bøger har du skrevet?

Kun denne ene – ”IT’s all about people / 35 years a CEO”



Foretrækker du trykte bøger, e-bøger eller lydbøger og hvorfor?

Trykte bøger – føles for mig mest personligt. Den fysiske bog, jeg laeser, er som en ven, der følger mig på rejser

på samme måde som rent tøj og tandbørsten.

Hvilken forfatter beundrer du mest?

Puk Damsgaard.

Hvilken bog ville du helst selv have skrevet?

”Rosens Navn”.

Har du et særligt ritual før/mens du skriver?


Hvad gør du, hvis du oplever en skriveblokering?

Holder en pause, hvor jeg koncentrerer mig om research.

Hvad er det værste ved at være forfatter?

At man mange dage får produceret færre sider end planlagt.

Hvad ville du ønske, du havde vidst, for du begyndte som forfatter?

Hvor sjovt det er. Så var jeg startet noget for. 

Hvilke råd vil du give til en kommende forfatter?

Sørg for at få en sparringspartner, der har tid og lyst til at agere den kritiske second opinion.

Hvor skal man gå hen, hvis man vil vide mere om dig?


Jeremy Verity

When did you start writing?

When I was 8 or nine years old. A novel. Also did the illustrations.

Why are you writing?

More often than not to pay for oysters and foie gras.

What book are you working on right now?

A memoire of the people I knew when I was a child.

How many books have you written?

Three to date, plus four unfinished manuscripts.

Do you prefer printed books, e-books or audiobooks and why?

Printed. The others are not books, they are the ghosts of books.

Which author do you admire the most?

That would have to be authors. Jean Rhys, John Le Carré, Charles Darwin.

Which book would you rather have written yourself?

‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ by Jean Rhys

Do you have a special ritual before / while writing?

Not particularly, except perhaps praying that the need to write would go away.

What do you do if you experience a writer’s block?

Oysters and foie gras.

What’s the best thing about being a writer?

Before I answer this, let me say that I have never described myself as a writer. Writers have something to say, or at the very least, think they have something to say. I don’t. I am a journalist. Journalists take other peoples’ lives, actions, thoughts and ideas and turn them into words. Now I’ll answer your question.
Writing (when things go well)

What’s the worst thing about being a writer?

Writing (when things go badly)

What would you wish you had known before you started as a writer?

How poorly paid journalists are. You really have to work hard to earn those oysters and foie gras.

What advice would you give to a future author?

Don’t! There are far too many books already. If you are really talented, and have something to say, you’ll write even if you try to take my advice. If you are not, I hope you will fall by the wayside.

Where to go if you want to know more about yourself?

Visit My friend Bradypus will tell you all you need to know about me.



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